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  • Date de naissance 9 janvier

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  • Ville

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  • Batman
    Boite Heros & Vilains
    Wayne Manor
    Arkham Asylum
    The Batmobile
    Vilain Campaign
  • Claustrophobia
  • MB: Pantheon
    Bundle Typhon
  • MB: Pantheon 1.5
  • Conan
    Boite King
    Strech Goals
    Valkyrie Vanir
    Chasseurs de sorcières Kushites
    Les Hommes Noirs
    Les Dragons Noirs
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    Tigre à dents de sabre
    Loups géants
    Démon de la Terre
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    Paolo Parente Box
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  • Conan the Conqueror
    Conan: the Conqueror
    The shadow Kingdom
    Tales of the red brotherhood
    The hidden chambers

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  1. Peut-être dans la rubrique news ?
  2. Puritains, Nous entrons dans les dernières 48h00, et également dans un territoire qui ralentira vos déplacements et placera tous vos sens en éveil : les Marais! L'équipe Monolith
  3. SentMa


    Bah oui....
  4. Le challenge, c'est d'arriver a sortir Tanto cuore. Félicitations ! (Je le possède, ainsi que Barbarossa)
  5. * POUF * Nuage de fumée ! euf euf euf.... Bonjour, le plus simple est de créer ta galerie personnelle ici :écors/ Puis de récupérer les images de ta galerie désormais en ligne et de les lier dans tes messages sur le forum.
  6. Sword Brethen, Although the reprint survey will remain open until Monday January 28 at this address, our emissary has come to bring you some good news. We can already confirm that all the proposals made in the survey will be available at the Pledge Manager: Khitai, Nordheim, Stygia, available individually and as a bundle, Deluxe Dashboards, and V2 rulebooks. To help you unlock the next Stretch Goals and already claim what’s yours, we've decided to make the Big 3 Bundle available now for a price of 109€! These classic expansions come with 4 game boards, Heroes, Enemies and dedicated scenarios written by Croc, Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc! Khitai Khitai is a mysterious place in Howard's works. It is known however that it’s home to great sorcerers whose spells are feared by those from the West. Take Conan and his companions East to this mysterious land as they are swept up in a sinister assassination plot. Take part in a daring assassination attempt before escaping from a flaming tower where the only way out is up! Nordheim The north wind blows in from the rugged domains north of Conan's homeland. With Asgard to the east and Vanaheim to the west, these two territories compose the frozen tundra that is Nordheim. The men of these lands are toughest of the tough, hardened by cold and battle. Blood spilling across the pristine snow as different tribes fight for supremacy. Despite the uneasy relationship between the Cimmerians and the Aesirs, Conan earns their respect through strength of arms and embarks on more than one adventure across these glistening lands. Stygia Far to the South of Conan's home there lies a dry, arid land where a rugged, dark skinned people eke as much of a life as they can out of the sands. The environment is not the only danger in these lands however, there is a darker, more sinister power at work, one that man should have known to leave well enough alone but the promise of power is too tempting for some. Now the dead rest uneasily beneath the sands and monstrous beasts devour men like cattle as the great and powerful watch on, eternally. You can already click on "Manage you pledge" and "Change your pledge" to add this bundle! If you only want one or two expansions from the bundle, they will be available individually during the Pledge Manager.
  7. This expansion brings a brand new way of playing the game where 2 players, the General and the Warlord, draft their armies and face off in intense battles lasting less than an hour, each equipped with a Book of Skelos. It is a more tactical and competitive approach to the game than the Adventure and Solo/Coop Modes. Create your own armies, mixing pirates, mummies and mercenaries to fit your strategy and outsmart your opponent. The game sessions are short, allowing you to experiment with the best composition. This mode still relies on scenarios to give a setting and objectives to the players,because it is always more fun when there is a story to tell. The Versus Mode Expansion comes with: - 4 Gunderman Mercenary miniatures - 4 Kushite Mercenary miniatures - 4 Hyrkanian Mercenary miniatures - 1 Book of Skelos - 1 Double-sided board - 3 Hero Sheets - 14 Cards - 1 Rules and Scenarios Booklet - 43 Unit Tiles - 27 Tokens Boards Fort Tuscelan Fort Tuscelan is an iconic location of the Conan novellas. It is Aquilonia’s furthest outpost to the West, protecting them from the Bossonian Marches and their savage inhabitants, the Picts. It has been the setting of many bloody battles. This board was mainly designed for attacker/defender scenarios. It is possible to move around it in order to attack from multiple fronts which can make it challenging to defend. But on the other hand, the defender has a clear line of sight to their enemies and the high ground. That is, until the doors are breached… The Catacombs Who knows what danger lurks in these underground passages where the bones of ancient wizards and their timeless spells rest. Catacombs are never a place for rest and merriment in the Conan novellas, and for good reason. Opposite to the Fort Tuscelan, this board provides a more open battlefield. Its numerous passages and entrances give you the freedom to maneuver and threaten your opponent from multiple fronts... until a horror from the deep forces you to reconsider your plans. Miniatures Gunderman Mercenaries Renowned for their ferocity in battle and unwavering morale, they are a major asset for the General who seeks to build a reliable army. We've heard one might go by the name of Nestor, but the Nemedian scholars can't quite agree on the facts. Kushite Mercenaries Without armor, they may appear vulnerable, but they're damned hard to hit! Their agility, combined with their mastery of all forms of combat, make them formidable foes. Wielding short spears, they are able to deflect enemy attacks while delivering deadly blows. Hyrkanian Mercenaries Accustomed to fighting on horseback or armed with a bow, the Hyrkanians can also field formidable infantry units capable of holding the line against any charge. These massive warriors can create an impassable wall with their shields while inflicting tremendous damage on their enemies. Mode Overview With the Versus Mode, we wanted to create a brand new gaming experience based on a system that has proved its versatility. The main challenge we faced was to strike the right balance between building something new and keeping the core of what makes this game so fun to play. That's why we chose to make the least amount of changes to the system. This also allows anyone who knows how to play Conan to jump into a Versus game right away. And the Book of Skelos is the perfect tool for tactical play! Benefits Exertion Limits Those little red numbers any Conan player has come to love and hate make their appearance on the Benefits. Which means that the number of gems a player can assign to a Benefit during a single turn is limited in Versus Mode! This makes for even more decision making on how you spend your gems. Units Movement Each character on the active tile gains 2 extra movement points. In Adventure Mode, spending a gem on the Movement Benefit grants you 1 Movement point to spend on a character. In Versus Mode, spending a gem on the Movement Benefit gives you an additional movement point for each character of the active Unit tile! This was a necessary change as it dramatically increases the mobility of your units and makes the battle a lot more dynamic and cinematic. Armor Value The Armor Value of a Unit tile no longer represents a fixed defense value in Versus Mode. Instead, when a character defends, the player controlling that character rolls a number of orange dice equal to the Armor Value. The result of this dice roll is the passive defense value of that character. This was also a necessary change in order to make every unit a threat, even for more powerful characters. Army Composition Another drive behind this mode was to allow the players to make even more use of their miniatures and tiles. Unit tiles now all have a level determined by their reinforcement cost. Each scenario indicates the army composition of the General and Warlord, with details such as the position of each tile in their River, the level of each tile the player can recruit, and the number of characters associated with each tile. The army composition may be different for the General and the Warlord. The scenario map also indicates the area of the board where the characters of each tile start the game. Each numbered gem corresponds to one of the characters from the Unit tile placed in that position in the River. This was an overview of this new Versus Mode. We invite you to download the draft version of the rules in the Downloads section and learn more about it!
  8. D’autres références seront probablement réimprimées, en fonction des résultats du sondage suivant : N’hésitez pas à cliquer sur les références que vous souhaiteriez voir disponibles durant le Pledge Manager. Attention ! Ce sondage fermera dans la nuit du dimanche 28 janvier, ne tardez pas ! À bientôt pour les nouvelles de nos autres jeux et productions !
  9. Sword Brethren, You have smashed through the first Stretch Goal in no time! I see that we have fighters we can count on! We will make 8 Solo/Coop scenarios available online (with the Solo/Coop rules included) for everyone to enjoy! "What’s our next target?" you will ask. Well, we face an enemy conjured in the deepest catacombs of Xuchotl by the Xotalancas. A being capable of ensnaring the mind of anyone who dares to look into his eyes: the Flaming Skeleton!
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