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Tout ce qui a été posté par Arthadan

  1. Hi Pep, good to have another Spanish around! I have news, a member of the English forum will make the hero sheets for our project. He's a big fan of the film, so he'll make the stats fitting the film and then we can adjust them during playtesting.
  2. With the 2nd Kickstarter so close, it's time to reopen this thread! I've seen there is a pledge level with: - the new Book of Set. - the Devil in Iron campaign. - all the KS exclusive boxes (not-Sonja, black dragons, tiger, etc). I'd be interested in Baal Pteor and the wolves. Anybody interested in the rest?
  3. It is time!!! I have been learning 3D modelling with a teacher who works for the study producing Infinity miniatures. Of course I have in mind to boost this project with some custom miniatures. The face is not mine and the body was heavily corrected by my teacher, the rest is mine. Far from finished, but something to wet your appetite.
  4. Probably you should level up the heroes if the scenarios were meant to be past mid-campaing. May be even consider giving the heroes some extra equipment from the chests in the previous scenarios of the campaign.
  5. Well, we can always add a twist, like the official scenario in Nordheim with the not-Skuthus rising the dead after the battle before Attali appears. What if Subotai has to fight some hyenas, free Conan and then both must face some guards lead by Thorgrim, who's there to further punish the barbarian for killing his giant snake pet?
  6. Impressive work! Here you are another version, maybe you can get some ideas: Link to Lead Adventure forum.
  7. Hi all! I have a problem, I have too many players wanting to play Conan!! Last time I managed to play two scenarios at the same time with an additional homemade Book of Skelos and Turn marker (and using small coins instead of gems in one of the games!), but it's a headache because you need to chose carefully the scenarios so there is no overlapping of Heroes, enemies, equipment... So I was wondering if any of you have tried to develop a scenario for 7-8 players. My rough idea so far is to have two teams of 3 players and an Overlord. Both Hero teams will have the same goal and they will need to compete to win, and the Overlord will hassle them both. My first problem is what map to chose because I'll need a big one. I'm thinking about the Stygian city plust the the ship one, as used in one of the scenarios. Any ideas/advices?
  8. Arthadan


    I was thinking this upcoming Reaper miniatures would be a nice addition to the Stygia expansion: I can envision an old Set temple protected by these gang... These are from the current Reaper Bones Kickstarter, so I'm afraid they will take long to hit the shelves.
  9. What about Thorgal? There is a legion of fans who would buy the game just for the miniatures, the maps and miniatures could be shared easily with Conan and has never been adapted into a game. And there is a incoming live-action show which will boost the character popularity: Link
  10. Word of advice! Printing size is too small. This is the PDF adjusted to real printing size. Zones are way too small, specially in the last one.
  11. I wouldn't mind joining in! I'm interested in: - Black Ones. - Xavier Colette Box. - Wolves I could take as well: - Brom Box - Dragon - Baal Pteor
  12. I wish the English edition had kept the original covers.
  13. I got the the Geomorphic tiles in PDF! 192 tiles and I *guess* 8 of them would suffice to make a map. Dungeons, streets, building interiors, beaches, ships, decks, walled cities... They look amazing! I'm probably not allowed to share this...
  14. Me too! The compendium looks great, it's a must have.
  15. I've stumbled upon this and it's so cool I had to share it.
  16. I have played 3 scenarios of the campaign so far and I'm really enjoying it! In fact I think besides the "regional" expansions, it would be a good idea to release campaigns in the same format (some new maps and miniatures and maybe a new hero although at this point I think we have more than enough). Linked games with hero progression are more rewarding to play than single games and by now the game has a legion of faithful players playing assidously. About the "problem" of having fixed heroes for each scenario, maybe some guidelines could be provided for some alternate heroes of the same kind. I mean, if a scenario needs Shevatas because he has the Evasive skill, probably he can be replaced by Taurus or Savage Bêlit (even if she's more of a fighter a would made the scenario easier if fighting is important to win). As always, sorry to write in English, my French is not too good.
  17. Check out the amazing board they made! Link
  18. Arthadan

    Controle Mental

    Perfectly clear now, thanks Tony!
  19. Arthadan

    Controle Mental

    @tony merci beacoup pour ta reponse! So, does the target move number of gems spent + 1 zones? If that's the case, why would a Hero want to cast the spell just once with 3 gems (3 + 1 zones) instead of casit it 3 times (( 1 + 1) x 3) ? I think I'm missing something still.
  20. Arthadan

    Controle Mental

    It doesn't have to be but it happens to be in this game, Anyway, staying on topic... should I quote @tony the Allmighty to draw his attention to our little spell interpretation problem? Oooops, just did
  21. Arthadan

    Controle Mental

    So if a Hero doesn't want to be shoot, he only needs to close his eyes to interrupt LoS, right?
  22. Arthadan

    Mind Control

    Since we are in the official forum, it would be nice to have an official answer...
  23. Arthadan

    Mind Control

    Are you certain?
  24. Arthadan

    Mind Control

    Nope, you can use it only on miniatures you don't have Line of Sight to. Beside you can spend 3 gems max, meaning you can only move your enemy two areas or less (if the activation costs 1 gem). Not overpowered in my opinion.
  25. Arthadan

    Mind Control

    Thing is if the spell has an activation cost of 1, same as the Teleport spell, or not.
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