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Messages posté(e)s par Renand

  1. Salutations, Héros

    Livraisons d'Amérique du Nord

    Un point rapide concernant les envois Nord-américains : Whalebacker a passé la barre des 2945 colis envoyés ou en cours d'envoi, et devraient terminer les livraisons entre la fin de ce mois-ci et le tout début du mois de mars. Le sav ouvrira juste après.

    La marchandise manquante au Canada est arrivée, et les envois vont donc se terminer dans les prochains jours.

    Festival International du Jeu de Cannes

    Venez rendre visite à Monolith au FIJ à Cannes, au stand L5.04 dans la rotonde de Lerins !

    Jouez à Mythic Battles : Ragnarök avec notre équipe de développeurs, testez en avant-première notre prochain jeu boutique, Tower Up, et découvrez le prochain Cardline : CO2.

    De plus, vous aurez l'occasion de découvrir en primeur notre prochain opus de MB consacré à l'Égypte, Mythic Battles : Isfet ! Il sera jouable pendant toute la durée du festival.

    Vous pouvez d'ores et déjà vous inscrire pour être informé de son lancement en campagne participative sur :

    Cette campagne ne sera pas lancée tant que les livraisons en Amérique du Nord ne seront pas terminées. Elle proposera également du nouveau contenu pour Mythic Battles : Panthéon et Mythic Battles : Ragnarök, ainsi que des réimpressions.


    L’Équipe Monolith

    • J'aime 12
  2. 22810c729ffcbe7bb9772fa452da222a_origina


    Nous revenons vers vous avec des nouvelles de la production, qui se terminera un peu plus tard qu’espéré. Bien qu’il ait été probable que les problèmes en mer Rouge cumulés au Nouvel An chinois nous auraient empêchés de faire embarquer la marchandise à temps, il n’en est rien et c’est uniquement en lien avec les usines. 
    L’ensemble sera terminé courant mars, puis acheminé vers les hubs.


    Jeu de plateau

    La production des saisons 1 et 2 est terminée. La production de la saison 3 est presque terminée, il reste l’assemblage, ainsi que la production d’un visuel oublié par l’usine, à savoir celui de l’emplacement des figurines pour la Storage Box de la picking zone. 


    L’ensemble sera terminé dès la reprise du travail par les usines, à la fin du mois. Voici des photos à la fois de la production terminée et des exemplaires de production pour les nouveautés.


    Jeu de rôle

    Notre usine nous a appris (après que la production était censée être commencée) ne pas pouvoir finaliser la production avant le début du Nouvel An chinois. L’intégralité de la production sera donc réalisée sur un mois, à la réouverture de l’usine.
    Passé cette déplaisante nouvelle, nous en avons profité pour appliquer les corrections et remarques remontées par les contributeurs dans le texte des PDF et des livres.
    Vous recevrez donc, à la fin du mois, des versions mises à jour de vos PDF, correspondants à la version qui sera imprimée. 
    Même si le texte est modifié depuis, voici quelques photos des exemplaires de production, ainsi que des dés avant qu’ils ne soient assemblés dans leurs boîtes.


    Nous reviendrons vers vous début mars pour les nouveaux PDF !

    L'Équipe Monolith

    • J'aime 1
    • I'm Batman! 3
  3. Salutations Héros,

    Commençons par les livraisons !


    Europe : Meeple Logistics termine ses grosses commandes (palettes). Si vous n'avez pas reçu votre jeu ou si vous avez un problème, veuillez contacter Support@monolithedition(dot)com ou Meeple Logistics à

    USA : Whalebacker a passé le cap des 2400 colis vendredi dernier, les deux tiers des commandes ont déjà été envoyés.

    Canada : Il reste moins de 100 commandes à envoyer. Whalebacker n'a pas envoyé les bonnes quantités à Pick&Pack, bloquant ainsi certaines commandes. Ces quantités ont été emballées par Whalebacker et sont déjà en route pour le Canada. L'expédition devrait se faire d'ici la semaine prochaine.


    L'application est maintenant disponible sur iOS : 

    L'équipe travaille déjà sur la liste des mises à jour suivantes, qui devraient être disponibles d'ici la fin de la semaine pour Android et d'ici la fin du mois pour iOS :

    - Possibilité de n'afficher que les unités Pantheon ou Ragnarök dans les différents écrans d'affichage des unités ;

    - Possibilité de limiter un draft à Pantheon ou Ragnarök ;

    - Draft complètement aléatoire ;

    - Drafts publiés par Monolith également disponibles.



    Mythic Battles: Ragnarök est en phase Alpha sur Board Game Arena ! 

    Cette phase cruciale sera utilisée à la fois pour jouer et pour repérer les bugs. 

    Rejoignez simplement le groupe sur cette page si vous êtes déjà un alpha testeur : 

    Une fois cette phase et la bêta terminées, le jeu sera officiellement lancé dans sa version finale et sera GRATUIT. 


    Attendez-vous à d'autres nouvelles très bientôt, car nous nous rendrons au Festival International des Jeux de Cannes !

    L’Équipe Monolith

    • J'aime 2
  4. 3d46dab2031c77a880ceecf6211cfd28_origina

    Sword Brethen,

    We did it!

    Once again, you answered the call of the battle horn and mustered your forces!
    Once again, you fought bravely during these 14 days, without wavering, without hesitating.
    Once again, you stand proudly tall, as those who wanted us slain lay flat in a pool of their own blood.

    Thank you for your support during this hard-fought campaign, and over all these years. Without you, the Monolith would not be what it is today!

    Knocking down the Stretch Goals one by one must have made your arms numb. You can now have yourself a cold tankard full of ale, and take a much-needed rest now that you have utterly destroyed the last Stretch Goal of this campaign!

    A unit of 5 Crossbowmen and 2 Activation tiles will be added to the Versus Mode Expansion to broaden your recruitment options.


    Victory is sweet, and we will celebrate! But we also have to keep our minds focused on what’s to come.

    For us, it is finalizing the few printed components (mainly proofreading) to start production as soon as possible, and starting work on the digital scenarios we added during this campaign.

    For you, it is keeping an eye on your email inbox for the invitation to the Pledge Manager on Gamefound that will open at the end of February and remain open for 2 months. We remind you that the Pledge Manager is a crucial step for you to receive your pledge.


    Of course, we will also keep you posted on the exact day the Pledge Manager will open through updates in this campaign.

    Until then, raise your cup with us, and hail Conan!

    And see you in a few months after the delivery of Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, for new adventures in the devastated Greece, in the Nine Worlds, or in the sands of the Two Lands!


    The Monolith Team.

    • J'aime 7
  5. Sword Brethen,

    We can now add 2 more scenarios in the Versus Mode than will take us to the depth of the green Jungle and into the maze of the city of Xuchotl.


    And the 26 new Equipment cards will make great additions to the Red Nails scenarios we have to come up with, and those you will undoubtedly create.


    For our next Stretch Goal, we meet old acquaintances with the return of the Crossbowmen!

    • J'aime 3
  6. Sword Brethen,

    The fight was tense, and could have gone either way, but Tolkemec went down, truly slain at last!

    Sculpt by Olivier Bouchet

    Next up, we wanted to emphasize the dynamic between the Red Nails and Versus expansions by adding the maps for the first into the latter, with, of course, 2 scenarios to let you fight on these brand new battlegrounds.


    We have also decided to sweeten the pot by adding 26 new Equipment cards. These new cards will give even more creative freedom for scenario creators, starting with the digital scenario for Red Nails we have yet to write.

    • J'aime 3
  7. 2cd2e2ecbc668e7c8762e2142580247d_origina
    Publié par Adnane
      external_link.png?ixlib=rb-2.1.0&auto=co Afficher sur Kickstarter  

    The king of the heather had been warned: invoking the Worms of the Earth would bring only darkness and ruin. But to protect his people–to spit back in the eye of Rome–what else was Bran Mak Morn to do? Having lost his grip on the Black Stone, he no longer held dominion over the burrowing, subterranean fiends. Now a rumor suggests the Worms have a new master–a vile sorcerer who commands the dead as well as these horrors of a lost epoch. Bran knows he must again appeal to these creatures to keep Roman legions out of his lands, and to do so, requires the Black Stone. With the repulsive witch, Atla, at his side, as well as two trusted warriors, he must return to Dagon’s Mere, secure the stone, and send this necromancer screaming to the depths of Hell!

    Sword Brethren,

    Thus begins the first scenario in our three-part campaign, dedicated to a lesser known barbarian king. No, not Kull. Howard’s other barbarian king.


    I’ve long wondered what happened to Bran Mak Morn after the events of Howard’s ‘Worms of the Earth’. As someone who’s gone on record several times (on the Rogues in the House Podcast), saying that WotE is my favorite of Howard’s yarns, I couldn’t resist the temptation to bring Bran Mak Morn into the best Conan game on the market.

    Art by Carlos Amaral.

    That said, I’m not a huge fan of direct adaptation, preferring instead to adopt the vibe, aesthetic, and characters, but push them forward to places players might not expect. I should probably reveal, then, that this expansion serves as a sequel to Worms of the Earth and is not an emulation or adaptation of the original story first published in Weird Tales in 1932. I believe these 3 scenarios: The Black Stone, The Grim Altar, and Back to the Earthcapture the bleak themes and bloody consequences of Howard’s horrific tale of a king who’s run out of options.

    Art by Carlos Amaral.

    I also wanted to keep this expansion small, so the price could remain low. To me, this add-on feels like a gamble. Everyone knows who Conan is, and will be tempted by the offerings dedicated to him and his world–but perhaps a reasonably priced expansion could draw fresh eyes to Howard’s other works. And so, I encourage you, fellow gamers, to give this one a chance.


    I decided early-on that this add-on should have a low entry fee. All you need is the Core Conan game and the Stretch Goal box. That meant making some creative choices which would invoke a wholly different setting, one of Roman expansion. In the scenarios you’ll find Picts, a fortress, mercenaries, a swamp, and foreboding ruins. 4 new character sheets represent Bran Mak Morn, the witch Atla, and two of Bran’s most trusted warriors, Picts named Othna and Grom, which utilize the Pict Warrior and Pict Archer minis. While we don’t have any Roman troops–again we wanted to keep the price low–I have found some creative ways to make this expansion feel like it should. Take for example Commander Drusus. His art and miniature looks akin to a Spartan warrior. Though that isn’t exactly Roman, it’s in the ballpark and his aesthetic seems to fit with the setting of this story, especially since the armor he’s wearing is from a long-dead Spartan king.


    The 3 scenarios in the booklet create a narrative whole, which includes progressive elements like our other Solo/Coop campaigns. If Solo/co-op play is your jam, I believe this little expansion will add a lot in a small package. Besides, who doesn’t want to use Bran Mak Morn’s Hero sheet in other solo/co-op campaigns?!


    Keep your swords sharp!

    Matthew John

    • J'aime 2
  8. Sword Brethen,

    You made your voice heard loud and clear!

    We have received more than 1,100 votes and here are the winners.

    This 2-scenario campaign will be Solo/Coop and will take place in the Jungle and the Swamp maps!

    The theme of the campaign is not set yet, so we might come back in a future update to ask for your vote again.


    As we pass the previous Stretch Goal and continue our journey into the halls of Xuchotl, a ghostly figure appears in the frame of a passage leading to the catacombs! It can't be him!

    • J'aime 6
    • Merci 1
  9. “Olmec spoke further of dark and mysterious matters, of black magic and wizardry conjured out of the black night of the catacombs, of weird creatures invoked out of darkness for horrible allies… for it was in the eastern catacombs where lay the bones of the greatest wizards of the ancient Xuchotlans, with their immemorial secrets.”
    -Red Nails

    Sword Brethren,

    Dan here, from the Nemedian Chroniclers. I wanted to tell you about The Deep Unknown, an optional scenario for the Solo/Co-op campaign in Red Nails, that uses the Catacombs map from the Versus Mode.


    In The Deep Unknown the Heroes enter the horrifying depths of the Catacombs beneath Xuchotl. The Pipes of Madness lure them further and further into the twisted maze. In pursuit of artifacts of power and stalked by weird creatures invoked out of darkness, how long will the Heroes press their luck?

    The Crawler

    The scenario  features a number of unconventional mechanics. First off, the Heroes decide how long the scenario lasts! The game ends when the final surviving Hero escapes, with or without the loot... and with or without their comrades. They can leave the Catacombs at any time, but only a Hero that is brave enough to face the Burning Skull will be rewarded with a unique and powerful item.


    Should a comrade fall, the corrupted sorcery of the Catacombs won't let them rest. A slain Hero rises again, Soulless, now under the control of the dark forces that haunt Xuchotl.


    To simulate the black magic and wizardry that saturates the Catacombs, there is a Spell Deck. Each time a specific Event tile is activated, players pick a Hero and draw from the deck and then apply the effects of the spell to their unfortunate friend. The longer the Heroes linger in the depths, the more foul the sorcery becomes!


    The risk is great, but the reward is greater. Do you dare face the Deep Unknown?

    • J'aime 4
  • Créer...

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