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Conan the Conqueror

  1. Confrérie de l’Épée C'est parti pour notre première actualité post-campagne ! PLEDGE MANAGER Le Pledge Manager pour l'extension Conan Red Nails et le mode Versus est OUVERT ! Vous pouvez maintenant confirmer ou compléter votre pledge, entrer votre adresse de livraison et payer vos frais de port et la TVA le cas échéant. Le Pledge Manager restera ouvert pendant 2 mois, jusqu'au 30 avril. Veillez à finaliser votre Gestionnaire de promesses de dons pour éviter tout retard ! LES CONTRIBUTIONS AVEC RÉCOMPENSE QUI NE SONT PAS CONFIRMÉES AVANT LA FERMETURE DU GESTIONNAIRE DE PROMESSES DE DONS RECEVRONT UN BON D'ACHAT POUR LA BOUTIQUE EN LIGNE DE MONOLITH D’UN MONTANT ÉQUIVALENT À LEUR ACHAT NON VALIDÉ À TEMPS. Toutes les boîtes contiendront les langues française et anglaise, à l'exception du King Pledge pour lequel vous devrez sélectionner la version que vous souhaitez recevoir Pour toute question, contactez-nous à PRÉPRODUCTION La phase de création des moules pour les nouvelles figurines est déjà terminée. Nous vous montrerons les visuels des figurines plastiques à recevoir dans la prochaine actualité du mois. Les "White Samples", qui reprennent les spécificités des différents nouveaux éléments papiers sans les visuels couleurs, sont déjà en cours d'impression test à l'usine. CLOUS ROUGES Vous trouverez ci-joint le livret des Clous Rouges, actuellement en relecture. Nous espérons qu'il vous donnera un bon avant-goût des scénarios qui vous attendent ! Rendez-vous à la fin du mois pour une seconde actualité avec les figurines ! L'équipe Monolith
  2. "Oui, parce que bon c'est pas parce qu'on est des vieux trucs qui sentent le renfermé qu'on a pas droit à notre sujet ! Non mais ! Même le mobilier il a son sujet ! Imhotep à tous !" Les Momies réunies en bande(lettes) rapide à peindre et jolies, j'aime les troupes quand c'est comme ça
  3. Sword Brethen, We did it! Once again, you answered the call of the battle horn and mustered your forces! Once again, you fought bravely during these 14 days, without wavering, without hesitating. Once again, you stand proudly tall, as those who wanted us slain lay flat in a pool of their own blood. Thank you for your support during this hard-fought campaign, and over all these years. Without you, the Monolith would not be what it is today! Knocking down the Stretch Goals one by one must have made your arms numb. You can now have yourself a cold tankard full of ale, and take a much-needed rest now that you have utterly destroyed the last Stretch Goal of this campaign! A unit of 5 Crossbowmen and 2 Activation tiles will be added to the Versus Mode Expansion to broaden your recruitment options. Victory is sweet, and we will celebrate! But we also have to keep our minds focused on what’s to come. For us, it is finalizing the few printed components (mainly proofreading) to start production as soon as possible, and starting work on the digital scenarios we added during this campaign. For you, it is keeping an eye on your email inbox for the invitation to the Pledge Manager on Gamefound that will open at the end of February and remain open for 2 months. We remind you that the Pledge Manager is a crucial step for you to receive your pledge. Of course, we will also keep you posted on the exact day the Pledge Manager will open through updates in this campaign. Until then, raise your cup with us, and hail Conan! And see you in a few months after the delivery of Mythic Battles: Ragnarök, for new adventures in the devastated Greece, in the Nine Worlds, or in the sands of the Two Lands! The Monolith Team.
  4. Je suis étonné de ne pas avoir trouvé un sujet déjà existant. Donc voici donc mon Thaug et ses sympathiques tentacules ! Pour la couleur j'ai voulu sortir du vert pour marquer la différence avec Thog et partir sur du jaune/marron que j'ai vu voir sur des photos de poulpes/pieuvres. Pour l'intérieur des tentacules, j'ai pris une teinte chair afin de rendre un effet "organique". Comme d'autres, j'ai joué avec les vernis mat et brillant pour l'aspect gluant. Pour terminer j'ai passé sur les socles un peu de "fausse eau" en photos ça ne rend pas grand chose, mais sur la table de jeu ça le fait pas mal !
  5. Sword Brethen, We can now add 2 more scenarios in the Versus Mode than will take us to the depth of the green Jungle and into the maze of the city of Xuchotl. And the 26 new Equipment cards will make great additions to the Red Nails scenarios we have to come up with, and those you will undoubtedly create. For our next Stretch Goal, we meet old acquaintances with the return of the Crossbowmen!
  6. Publié par Adnane janv. 28, 2024 Afficher sur Kickstarter The king of the heather had been warned: invoking the Worms of the Earth would bring only darkness and ruin. But to protect his people–to spit back in the eye of Rome–what else was Bran Mak Morn to do? Having lost his grip on the Black Stone, he no longer held dominion over the burrowing, subterranean fiends. Now a rumor suggests the Worms have a new master–a vile sorcerer who commands the dead as well as these horrors of a lost epoch. Bran knows he must again appeal to these creatures to keep Roman legions out of his lands, and to do so, requires the Black Stone. With the repulsive witch, Atla, at his side, as well as two trusted warriors, he must return to Dagon’s Mere, secure the stone, and send this necromancer screaming to the depths of Hell! Sword Brethren, Thus begins the first scenario in our three-part campaign, dedicated to a lesser known barbarian king. No, not Kull. Howard’s other barbarian king. I’ve long wondered what happened to Bran Mak Morn after the events of Howard’s ‘Worms of the Earth’. As someone who’s gone on record several times (on the Rogues in the House Podcast), saying that WotE is my favorite of Howard’s yarns, I couldn’t resist the temptation to bring Bran Mak Morn into the best Conan game on the market. Art by Carlos Amaral. That said, I’m not a huge fan of direct adaptation, preferring instead to adopt the vibe, aesthetic, and characters, but push them forward to places players might not expect. I should probably reveal, then, that this expansion serves as a sequel to Worms of the Earth and is not an emulation or adaptation of the original story first published in Weird Tales in 1932. I believe these 3 scenarios: The Black Stone, The Grim Altar, and Back to the Earthcapture the bleak themes and bloody consequences of Howard’s horrific tale of a king who’s run out of options. Art by Carlos Amaral. I also wanted to keep this expansion small, so the price could remain low. To me, this add-on feels like a gamble. Everyone knows who Conan is, and will be tempted by the offerings dedicated to him and his world–but perhaps a reasonably priced expansion could draw fresh eyes to Howard’s other works. And so, I encourage you, fellow gamers, to give this one a chance. I decided early-on that this add-on should have a low entry fee. All you need is the Core Conan game and the Stretch Goal box. That meant making some creative choices which would invoke a wholly different setting, one of Roman expansion. In the scenarios you’ll find Picts, a fortress, mercenaries, a swamp, and foreboding ruins. 4 new character sheets represent Bran Mak Morn, the witch Atla, and two of Bran’s most trusted warriors, Picts named Othna and Grom, which utilize the Pict Warrior and Pict Archer minis. While we don’t have any Roman troops–again we wanted to keep the price low–I have found some creative ways to make this expansion feel like it should. Take for example Commander Drusus. His art and miniature looks akin to a Spartan warrior. Though that isn’t exactly Roman, it’s in the ballpark and his aesthetic seems to fit with the setting of this story, especially since the armor he’s wearing is from a long-dead Spartan king. The 3 scenarios in the booklet create a narrative whole, which includes progressive elements like our other Solo/Coop campaigns. If Solo/co-op play is your jam, I believe this little expansion will add a lot in a small package. Besides, who doesn’t want to use Bran Mak Morn’s Hero sheet in other solo/co-op campaigns?! Keep your swords sharp! Matthew John
  7. Sword Brethen, The fight was tense, and could have gone either way, but Tolkemec went down, truly slain at last! Sculpt by Olivier Bouchet Next up, we wanted to emphasize the dynamic between the Red Nails and Versus expansions by adding the maps for the first into the latter, with, of course, 2 scenarios to let you fight on these brand new battlegrounds. We have also decided to sweeten the pot by adding 26 new Equipment cards. These new cards will give even more creative freedom for scenario creators, starting with the digital scenario for Red Nails we have yet to write.
  8. Sword Brethen, You made your voice heard loud and clear! We have received more than 1,100 votes and here are the winners. This 2-scenario campaign will be Solo/Coop and will take place in the Jungle and the Swamp maps! The theme of the campaign is not set yet, so we might come back in a future update to ask for your vote again. As we pass the previous Stretch Goal and continue our journey into the halls of Xuchotl, a ghostly figure appears in the frame of a passage leading to the catacombs! It can't be him!
  9. “Olmec spoke further of dark and mysterious matters, of black magic and wizardry conjured out of the black night of the catacombs, of weird creatures invoked out of darkness for horrible allies… for it was in the eastern catacombs where lay the bones of the greatest wizards of the ancient Xuchotlans, with their immemorial secrets.” -Red Nails Sword Brethren, Dan here, from the Nemedian Chroniclers. I wanted to tell you about The Deep Unknown, an optional scenario for the Solo/Co-op campaign in Red Nails, that uses the Catacombs map from the Versus Mode. In The Deep Unknown the Heroes enter the horrifying depths of the Catacombs beneath Xuchotl. The Pipes of Madness lure them further and further into the twisted maze. In pursuit of artifacts of power and stalked by weird creatures invoked out of darkness, how long will the Heroes press their luck? The Crawler The scenario features a number of unconventional mechanics. First off, the Heroes decide how long the scenario lasts! The game ends when the final surviving Hero escapes, with or without the loot... and with or without their comrades. They can leave the Catacombs at any time, but only a Hero that is brave enough to face the Burning Skull will be rewarded with a unique and powerful item. Should a comrade fall, the corrupted sorcery of the Catacombs won't let them rest. A slain Hero rises again, Soulless, now under the control of the dark forces that haunt Xuchotl. To simulate the black magic and wizardry that saturates the Catacombs, there is a Spell Deck. Each time a specific Event tile is activated, players pick a Hero and draw from the deck and then apply the effects of the spell to their unfortunate friend. The longer the Heroes linger in the depths, the more foul the sorcery becomes! The risk is great, but the reward is greater. Do you dare face the Deep Unknown?
  10. Sword Brethen, The Black Dragons have fulfilled their oath and brought us victory over the last Stretch Goal. Five miniatures from one of the most requested units will make their way into the Versus Mode Expansion along with 2 activation tiles to lead 2 different troops into battle if you already have the add-on from the first campaign! Now, it is time to make your voice heard. The next Stretch Goal adds a 2-scenario campaign to Red Nails, and you get to decide: 1- The 2 Maps on which this story will unfold. 2- The Mode (Adventure or Solo/coop) in which you want that story to be told. Click on one of the images below. This will take you to the form where you can vote for 2 maps taken from the Red Nails Expansion, the Core Box and the 1st campaign Stretch Goals. Then you can select in which Mode you want to play this mini-campaign. The polls remain open until the Stretch Goal is unlocked, and you can change your vote until then if you have a better combination that comes up. Now vote!
  11. Sword Brethen, You have unlocked this gorgeous piece of art by Antonio Manzanedo that you will be able to proudly display in your throne room! You have also mustered enough shares on the social networks to unlock the third and final social Stretch Goal! Conan The Rogue by Naïade will join Othryades and Ageera in your copy of the Red Nails box and will take part in the included Solo/Coop Campaign. Thank you for your mobilization! For the next Stretch Goal, Pallantides decided to send his own Black Dragons to help us in the battle!
  12. Sword Brethen, Although the reprint survey will remain open until Monday January 28 at this address, our emissary has come to bring you some good news. We can already confirm that all the proposals made in the survey will be available at the Pledge Manager: Khitai, Nordheim, Stygia, available individually and as a bundle, Deluxe Dashboards, and V2 rulebooks. To help you unlock the next Stretch Goals and already claim what’s yours, we've decided to make the Big 3 Bundle available now for a price of 109€! These classic expansions come with 4 game boards, Heroes, Enemies and dedicated scenarios written by Croc, Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc! Khitai Khitai is a mysterious place in Howard's works. It is known however that it’s home to great sorcerers whose spells are feared by those from the West. Take Conan and his companions East to this mysterious land as they are swept up in a sinister assassination plot. Take part in a daring assassination attempt before escaping from a flaming tower where the only way out is up! Nordheim The north wind blows in from the rugged domains north of Conan's homeland. With Asgard to the east and Vanaheim to the west, these two territories compose the frozen tundra that is Nordheim. The men of these lands are toughest of the tough, hardened by cold and battle. Blood spilling across the pristine snow as different tribes fight for supremacy. Despite the uneasy relationship between the Cimmerians and the Aesirs, Conan earns their respect through strength of arms and embarks on more than one adventure across these glistening lands. Stygia Far to the South of Conan's home there lies a dry, arid land where a rugged, dark skinned people eke as much of a life as they can out of the sands. The environment is not the only danger in these lands however, there is a darker, more sinister power at work, one that man should have known to leave well enough alone but the promise of power is too tempting for some. Now the dead rest uneasily beneath the sands and monstrous beasts devour men like cattle as the great and powerful watch on, eternally. You can already click on "Manage you pledge" and "Change your pledge" to add this bundle! If you only want one or two expansions from the bundle, they will be available individually during the Pledge Manager.
  13. Hello backers! This is Ken from the Nemedian Chroniclers. Today I am going to talk about one of the most unique scenarios I’ve written, The Door of the Eagle included in the Red Nails Expansion. I wanted to create a scenario that offered a different gameplay experience each time the players set it up. When the scenario starts, our Heroes Conan, Valeria, and Techotl have escaped a Xotalanc attack and are trying to reach the safety of the Tecuhltli throne room. But this is where our story diverges from Howard’s tale. In this scenario, no one opens the door. In a rage, Conan vows to find another entrance to the throne room and topple the pillar of Red Nails to show that this cycle of violence can be broken. This scenario introduces a couple of new mechanics. The first relates to a rope token, which can be used to climb up and down the pillars to the different floors. A hero with a Rope or a Whip item card can attach it to a pillar with a simple manipulation, and then remove the token to retrieve the Rope or the Whip. The second mechanic introduces scenario cards. The Door of the Eagle starts with only two tiles in the River. Whenever Heroes open doors in search of a secret entrance, a scenario card is revealed. Since there are more scenario cards than rooms to explore, you never know when, or even if, a certain enemy will show up. Each card has 2 parts, Enemy and Effect. The Enemy section usually adds units to the board and their tile to the River. And sometimes these units perform a surprise attack! The Effect section hinders the Heroes or helps the Overlord in some manner, whether it is increasing the Overlord’s recovery value or reinforcement points, depriving the Heroes of a skill, or even destroying the Heroes weapons! I hope you enjoyed this overview of The Door of the Eagle from the Red Nails Expansion! We also wish a Happy Belated Birthday to Robert E Howard who wrote so many timeless stories and helped shape our imaginations and our love for fantastic worlds.
  14. Few have left an indelible mark on a character and the way it is imagined, as Frank Frazetta did with Conan. We offered many “Artist boxes” throughout the 4 Conan campaigns, but we never had the opportunity to showcase this phenomenal artist. So we are very proud to present the Frank Frazetta Box! This box also contains a unique scenario that allows both miniatures to be played, including the mounted Conan! The Frank Frazetta Box comes with: - 1 Conan The Berserker miniature - 1 Conan The Destroyer miniature - 2 Hero Sheets - 1 Scenario leaflet - 3 Unit Tiles - 2 Tokens Miniatures Conan The Berserker Conan The Destroyer
  15. Sword Brethen, The crocodiles are on the loose! You call that a knife? This is a knife! You'd better be equipped to take on these terrifying swimmers, between their passive armor and their untouchable skill. With 4 base movement points, they'll be able to deploy rapidly towards heroes unfortunate enough to approach their territory. Thanks to your mobilization on social networks, Ageera's Hero Sheet is unlocked and joins the Red Nails expansion. On the way to the new Rogue version of Naïade's Conan profile! The next Stretch Goal will unlock a magnificent Dragon lithography, masterfully created by Antonio Manzanedo for the Red Nails expansion.
  16. This expansion brings a brand new way of playing the game where 2 players, the General and the Warlord, draft their armies and face off in intense battles lasting less than an hour, each equipped with a Book of Skelos. It is a more tactical and competitive approach to the game than the Adventure and Solo/Coop Modes. Create your own armies, mixing pirates, mummies and mercenaries to fit your strategy and outsmart your opponent. The game sessions are short, allowing you to experiment with the best composition. This mode still relies on scenarios to give a setting and objectives to the players,because it is always more fun when there is a story to tell. The Versus Mode Expansion comes with: - 4 Gunderman Mercenary miniatures - 4 Kushite Mercenary miniatures - 4 Hyrkanian Mercenary miniatures - 1 Book of Skelos - 1 Double-sided board - 3 Hero Sheets - 14 Cards - 1 Rules and Scenarios Booklet - 43 Unit Tiles - 27 Tokens Boards Fort Tuscelan Fort Tuscelan is an iconic location of the Conan novellas. It is Aquilonia’s furthest outpost to the West, protecting them from the Bossonian Marches and their savage inhabitants, the Picts. It has been the setting of many bloody battles. This board was mainly designed for attacker/defender scenarios. It is possible to move around it in order to attack from multiple fronts which can make it challenging to defend. But on the other hand, the defender has a clear line of sight to their enemies and the high ground. That is, until the doors are breached… The Catacombs Who knows what danger lurks in these underground passages where the bones of ancient wizards and their timeless spells rest. Catacombs are never a place for rest and merriment in the Conan novellas, and for good reason. Opposite to the Fort Tuscelan, this board provides a more open battlefield. Its numerous passages and entrances give you the freedom to maneuver and threaten your opponent from multiple fronts... until a horror from the deep forces you to reconsider your plans. Miniatures Gunderman Mercenaries Renowned for their ferocity in battle and unwavering morale, they are a major asset for the General who seeks to build a reliable army. We've heard one might go by the name of Nestor, but the Nemedian scholars can't quite agree on the facts. Kushite Mercenaries Without armor, they may appear vulnerable, but they're damned hard to hit! Their agility, combined with their mastery of all forms of combat, make them formidable foes. Wielding short spears, they are able to deflect enemy attacks while delivering deadly blows. Hyrkanian Mercenaries Accustomed to fighting on horseback or armed with a bow, the Hyrkanians can also field formidable infantry units capable of holding the line against any charge. These massive warriors can create an impassable wall with their shields while inflicting tremendous damage on their enemies. Mode Overview With the Versus Mode, we wanted to create a brand new gaming experience based on a system that has proved its versatility. The main challenge we faced was to strike the right balance between building something new and keeping the core of what makes this game so fun to play. That's why we chose to make the least amount of changes to the system. This also allows anyone who knows how to play Conan to jump into a Versus game right away. And the Book of Skelos is the perfect tool for tactical play! Benefits Exertion Limits Those little red numbers any Conan player has come to love and hate make their appearance on the Benefits. Which means that the number of gems a player can assign to a Benefit during a single turn is limited in Versus Mode! This makes for even more decision making on how you spend your gems. Units Movement Each character on the active tile gains 2 extra movement points. In Adventure Mode, spending a gem on the Movement Benefit grants you 1 Movement point to spend on a character. In Versus Mode, spending a gem on the Movement Benefit gives you an additional movement point for each character of the active Unit tile! This was a necessary change as it dramatically increases the mobility of your units and makes the battle a lot more dynamic and cinematic. Armor Value The Armor Value of a Unit tile no longer represents a fixed defense value in Versus Mode. Instead, when a character defends, the player controlling that character rolls a number of orange dice equal to the Armor Value. The result of this dice roll is the passive defense value of that character. This was also a necessary change in order to make every unit a threat, even for more powerful characters. Army Composition Another drive behind this mode was to allow the players to make even more use of their miniatures and tiles. Unit tiles now all have a level determined by their reinforcement cost. Each scenario indicates the army composition of the General and Warlord, with details such as the position of each tile in their River, the level of each tile the player can recruit, and the number of characters associated with each tile. The army composition may be different for the General and the Warlord. The scenario map also indicates the area of the board where the characters of each tile start the game. Each numbered gem corresponds to one of the characters from the Unit tile placed in that position in the River. This was an overview of this new Versus Mode. We invite you to download the draft version of the rules in the Downloads section and learn more about it!
  17. Robert E Howard wrote many exciting tales that spanned many eras. One such tale is Worms of the Earth, a dark and atmospheric tale that takes us beyond the familiar realms of Conan's adventures and introduces us to Bran Mak Morn, a Pictish king and warrior. Join him on a quest for revenge infused with sorcery and ancient evils. Uncover the secrets of a Pictish wilderness and experience the raw power of Howard's storytelling in our Solo/Coop campaign. The Worms Of the Earth Box comes with: - 1 Bran Mak Morn miniature - 1 Witch Atla miniature - 8 Worm of the Earth miniatures - 4 Hero Sheets - 1 Rules and Scenarios Booklet - 5 Unit Tiles Miniatures Bran Mak Morn Physically imposing and possessing a strong sense of duty, Bran Mak Morn is a skilled warrior and military strategist. Last King of the Picts, he is ready to sacrifice everything for his people. Witch Atla The "were-woman of the moors" is a central character in the novella as she gives Bran the location of the Black Stone, in exchange for his favors... She is also a witch with powerful spells! Worm of the Earth These ancient and malevolent entities emerge from the deepest recesses of the earth and are entwined with occult magic rituals. Their very existence is bound to supernatural forces and the power of the Black Stone. Remember to click the image below to share the Facebook post and unlock even more Hero Sheets for the Red Nails campaign! We have already unlocked Othryades. He might not be accompanied by his 299 friends, but he is still a power to reckon with! This Hero Sheet will be added to each Red Nails Expansion box and will be playable as a character in the campaign!
  18. Sword Brethen, The Hidden Chambers are open! We can now enter these gloomy depths, or flee from here before anything horrible comes out… These Chamber Boards are set alongside the main game board, denoting a separate floor or level rather than altering an existing room, and are the perfect place for an artifact or as a lair for creatures to sprawl from. Let’s head back into the jungle, it is safer out there. But don’t get too close to the waters… And we have also have a Social Stretch Goal for you to unlock! Share the word and this post with your friends on Facebook so they can join the fight! Each threshold will add another Hero Sheet to the Red Nails Expansion and will be a Hero you can select to play in the included Solo/Coop campaign! Don’t forget to answer the survey we put online here to say which of the 3 big expansions you would like to see reprinted:
  19. Sword Brethen, The King Pledge is now crowned with 8 more scenarios! These will be available online for ALL to enjoy, whether you have a New Recruit Pledge or not. This takes us to a total of 16 adventures for the King core box you will be able to play in Solo/Coop Mode! For the next Stretch Goals, we will need our lock-picking tools to enter the Hidden Chambers.
  20. D’autres références seront probablement réimprimées, en fonction des résultats du sondage suivant : N’hésitez pas à cliquer sur les références que vous souhaiteriez voir disponibles durant le Pledge Manager. Attention ! Ce sondage fermera dans la nuit du dimanche 28 janvier, ne tardez pas ! À bientôt pour les nouvelles de nos autres jeux et productions !
  21. Sword Brethen, We arrived at our destination with little to no casualties! You have just unlocked 2 more digital scenarios in Adventure Mode for the Red Nails Expansion! These will take you to the depths of the Catacombs and the heights of Fort Tuscelan. The next Stretch Goals take us back into the forsaken city of Xuchotl and the throne room of the Tecuhltli. There stands the mysterious Black Pillar!
  22. Sword Brethen, We have counted 410 crimson nails in the black pillar! Well done! The Pillar can be used as a scenery for your adventures in the great throne room of the Tecuhltli. We are impatient to see what the painters will do with this! For the next Stretch Goals, we continue the fight and hammer out the remaining 8 scenarios for the King Pledge!
  23. The Red Nails novella has been requested almost since the first Conan campaign. We decided it was time to dive into one of the most beloved Howard stories. Across the 10 brand new scenarios we offer in this expansion, players will face the massive Forest Dragon in the green hell beyond the citadel of Sukhmet, cross the dark and forsaken halls of Xuchotl and take part in a never-ending war between the Xotalancas and the Tecuhltlis. The Red Nails Expansion comes with: - 1 Conan miniature - 1 Valeria miniature - 1 Forest Dragon miniature - 1 Crawler miniature - 1 Techotl miniature - 1 Olmec miniature - 1 Tascela miniature - 6 Xotalanc Warriors miniatures - 5 Xotalanc Spearmen miniatures - 5 Xotalanc Spearwomen miniatures - 5 Tecuhltli Swordsmen miniatures - 1 Double-sided board map (2 maps) - 5 Hero Sheets - 27 Cards - 1 Rules and Scenarios Booklet (including Solo/Coop rules) - 24 Unit Tiles - 23 Tokens Boards An expansion for Conan is always an opportunity to discover new lands from the Hyborian Age. The Jungle Art by Georges Cl4renko We journey to the southern regions of the Black Kingdoms, beyond the Stygian borders and the citadel of Sukhmet, where few men dare to venture. Yet, it is in this green hell that Conan and Valeria find themselves fleeing Zarallo and his Free Companions, marking the beginning of the novella "Red Nails." The dense vegetation and strong river currents make movement difficult, butthe cliffs to the east and south offer perfect vantage points to gain an advantage over your enemies... if you manage to reach them. Xuchotl Art by Georges Cl4renko In the Red Nails novella, after escaping the Forest Dragon, Conan and Valeria find themselves forced to find shelter within the walls of Xuchotl. But they won’t have much time to rest, as the forsaken city is full of dangers and creatures from forgotten times. Each of the many rooms of Xuchotl can hide either treasure or death for our Heroes. The famous Eagle Door is present, leading to the throne room, and will undoubtedly be highly contested. And such an ancient structure always conceals secret passages... Miniatures Conan This version of Conan is from his time with Zarallo’s Free Companions, where he fought alongside soldiers of fortune -a hard-handed band of killers loyal to anyone who pays them well. “He was almost a giant in stature, muscles rippling smoothly under his skin which the sun had burned brown. His garb was similar to hers, except that he wore a broad leather belt instead of a girdle. Broadsword and poniard hung from this belt.” (Red Nails, Robert E. Howard) Valeria This version of Valeria is also from her time with Zarallo’s Free Companions. At the beginning of the novella, she is fleeing from the mercenaries’ camp after slaying a Stygian officer who tried to take advantage of her. She remains one of the fiercest sword-fighters Conan has ever come across in his adventures. “She was tall, full-bosomed and large-limbed, with compact shoulders. Her whole figure reflected an unusual strength, without detracting from the femininity of her appearance. [...] Instead of a skirt she wore short, widelegged, silk breeches, which ceased a hand's breadth short of her knees, and were upheld by a wide silken sash worn as a girdle. Flaringtopped boots of soft leather came almost to her knees, and a lownecked, widecollared, widesleeved silk shirt completed her costume. On one shapely hip she wore a straight double-edged sword, and on the other a long dirk. Her unruly golden hair, cut square at her shoulders, was confined by a band of crimson satin.” (Red Nails, Robert E. Howard) Dragon of Xuchotl This huge miniature brings life to one of the most iconic monsters Conan has ever fought. Some describe it as an enormous reptile, and others claim it is a remnant of a species that has long since disappeared. In any case, this formidable foe will be the centerpiece of any scenario that features it! “The head, bigger than that of a crocodile, was further extended on a long scaled neck on which stood up rows of serrated spikes, and after it, crushing down the briars and saplings, waddled the body of a titan, a gigantic, barrel-bellied torso on short legs. The [...] belly almost raked the ground, while the serrated backbone rose higher than Conan could have reached on tiptoe. A long spiked tail, like that of a gargantuan scorpion, trailed out behind.” (Red Nails, Robert E. Howard) Crawler Xuchotl was built centuries ago on a large and intricate network of catacombs that run under the whole city. These black tunnels hosted magic rituals that conjured creatures that shouldn’t roam this earth. One of them is the Crawler, a snake-like monster that the Xotalancas are somehow able to control. “It was a great serpent which lay there limp in death, but such a serpent as he had never seen in his wanderings. The reek and chill of the deep black earth were about it, and its color was an indeterminable hue which changed with each new angle from which he surveyed it.” (Red Nails, Robert E. Howard) Techotl Techotl was the first living being Valeria and Conan encountered in the dark chambers of Xuchotl. Like the other Tecuhltli, his whole life has been dedicated to finding and killing Xotalancas in order to earn the privilege of adding red nails to the black column, one for each dead Xotalanca. Even though, at first, he seemed to have lost his mind like the other inhabitants of the city, Techotl retained his sense of honor and became a strong ally for Conan and Valeria. “He was slightly above middle height, very dark{...]. He was naked but for a scanty silk clout that only partly covered his muscular hips, and a leather girdle, a hand's breadth broad, about his lean waist. His long black hair hung in lank strands about his shoulders, giving him a wild appearance. He was gaunt, but knots and cords of muscles stood out on his arms and legs, without that fleshy padding that presents a pleasing symmetry of contour” (Red Nails, Robert E. Howard) Olmec Olmec, Prince of Tecuhltli, has led his people in the war against the Xotalancas and will do so until all are dead, or until his own people go extinct. He was a ruthless and cruel leader who didn’t act for the good of his people, but for another reason unknown to Conan and Valeria. “He was a giant, with an enormous sweep of breast and the shoulders of a bull. Unlike the others, he was bearded, with a thick, blueblack beard which fell almost to his broad girdle. He wore a robe of purple silk which reflected changing sheens of color with his every movement, and one wide sleeve, drawn back to his elbow, revealed a forearm massive with corded muscles. The band which confined his blueblack locks was set with glittering jewels.” (Red Nails, Robert E. Howard) Tascela She was Princess of the Tecuhltli, but didn’t share their ferocity against the Xotalancas. She was the only one who was not born in Xuchotl and, strangely, she did not seem to age like the others. Tascela is the embodiment of beauty and the attraction she has on others is almost hypnotic. But when it comes time to fight, she can be as ruthless as any other Tecuhltli. “She was tall and lithe, by far the most beautiful woman in the room. She was clad more scantily even than the others; for instead of a skirt she wore merely a broad strip of giltworked purple cloth fastened to the middle of her girdle which fell below her knees. Another strip at the back of her girdle completed that part of her costume, which she wore with a cynical indifference. Her breastplates and the circlet about her temples were adorned with gems.” (Red Nails, Robert E. Howard) Xotalancas and Tecuhltlis Born in war, they will die in war. For decades, these people have only known hate for each other, killing and torturing every time they get a chance. Living in this constant state of fear slowly pushed them to madness and savagery. The Xotalancas even dared to venture in the deepest crypts of the catacombs under Xuchotl where they uncovered forgotten relics of power.
  24. Sword Brethen, We have heard your call, and we have decided to add the Masters Of The Hyborians Pledge level! This level brings together the New Recruit Pledge and the Veteran Pledge with a combined discount of 53€! And because we want to thank you for your unwavering support, we have also included an extra set of dice!
  25. Sword Brethen, Well! It seems like the Burning Man's skull was no match for your swords! One more Stretch Goals you can add to your trophy collection! Do not slow down warriors! We are awaited in new lands for new battles! This next Stretch Goals adds 2 Adventure Mode scenarios to the Red Nails Pledge.
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